Contractors | Freelancers | Small and Medium Sized Businesses | Self Employed | CIS
Contracting? There is no one "solution fits all" we will discuss with you your circumstances and find the best solution for you.
In the ever changing regulatory environment you need an accountant that keeps up to date and specializes in contractor and freelancer Limited companies, so that you stay maximize your pay and stay compliant.
Our service includes:
Wondering if you are receiving the best advice from your existing accountant?
Switch to One Zero – we specialise in contractor limited companies so we can find the best option for you to maximise your take home pay
Apart from running our accounting business we have had experience in setting up and running various businesses, so we know the highs and lows of business life. We want you to experience more of the highs than the lows – so benefit from our mistakes (there always will be some) and learn from our knowledge.
Running your own business will always result in sleepless nights, but make them from excitement rather than stress!
Whether you are a contractor not working under supervision direction and control or some one not suited to being limited we can assist you in running your business
Setting up and running your own business can seem like a daunting task but also can be very rewarding, so talk to us to find out how you should trade (sole trader or limited) and to provide advice how the day to day running of your business.
One Zero helping make your business life easy